The constant stress, a bad environment, a work schedule, have negative effects on the health of modern men and their power. According to statistics, nearly a third of men, it is a very large number, it is concerned about this problem. And because women want that their riders were still full of energy, to add in life of emotions. However, this does not require someone who has problems with the power. So, what are the products to increase the power of men?
One of the easiest ways for women who want to help the man to change his diet and add products, increasing the power of the men. But first, you must find the most suitable for this food. Because what food can increase male potency and to make the well-being to better stimulate the libido, as well as in products of natural aphrodisiacs really reinforce the power?

A lot of people know that food is most easily and quail and chicken eggs has a positive effect on the power. This is why we need to have constantly in the power supply. Dish is very simple – it is an omelet, it is very easy to prepare, then try to start the morning with him. Note that if you add the eggs, one arc, then the power even more great because the onions natural energy and aphrodisiac. Another power amplifier is of the meat. It is required to include in the diet of every man, moreover, the approach to the consumption of meat needs to be planned.
The seafood and fish is also a positive influence on the sexual activity of the stronger sex. For example, the broth of crayfish, cooked, delicious seafood dishes for the strengthening of the power. The sauce is preferable to make the arc, seasoned with persil, lemon juice and tomato. An excellent aphrodisiac is regarded as oysters and caviar. It should be noted that the fish or meat is a complement to the vegetables. Now, you know what are the products to increase the power.
Traditional recipes from around the world
Not superfluous will the use of popular recipes collected from around the world. In the recipes are aphrodisiacs - products to increase the power of men. In Italy, the best products to enhance the strength of men long since are considered as the olive oil and garlic, because they are used in many dishes of the cuisine of the peninsula. In addition, the Italian secrete baked tomatoes, as a way to improve the power. Everyone knows that the men of Italy is very different temperaments, because, in their power are always present-of-products aphrodisiacs, such as nuts and seeds, they have an impact on the power, because they have vitamin E.
Indian cuisine is also rich in products that improve the power. Among them, the sesame seeds and honey. The honey blends well with the walnuts. In Siberia, in order to increase male potency is used in food, pine nuts. But they are not only eating and drinking of the water to the oreškah cedar.
What are the products to increase the power of men, we describe below. In foods, it is necessary to add the asparagus, the coriander, the celery, the persil is a natural aphrodisiacs. Moreover, at every people, they their. In India, is the coriander, which add to dough during the manufacture of most of the dishes. In central Asia, a power amplifier in the men think of pistachios, in the southern Caucasus – products of milk-curd. South – figs, which is not only a good effect on the power, but improves the functioning of the liver, the kidneys and the heart. In the east, for this, to drink tea with ginger and cloves.
Good nutrition
As you will understand the products that can help a man to keep and increase power, a lot. However, with the exception of products for the male power is still very important and a good diet. Wrongly, that these tips apply only to men of advanced age. This is not so, in effect, the right products, at any age can act positively on the power.
Among the products that have a positive impact on the power, secrete the red and the caviar it is a lot of protein. Consume about 20 grams of caviar in a month will help you to increase the power. In many countries, men eat bananas, to be more in the bed. And this is not in vain, because bananas and lots of vitamins, that have an impact on the increase of the power. It is recommended to consume one banana per day, in this case, the force for men will always be in the standard.
To good nutrition, which will increase power, will not be useless to different condiments – tarragon, thyme, cumin, anise. Dishes with spices are very light spicy taste. In the diet is also important to leave room for all kinds of dairy products – yogurt, sour cream, yogurt, cottage cheese, and the other.
What we can give up?
You need to reduce the consumption of beverages with high caffeine content, energy, all of this is an illusion of improving male potency. They are very harmful not only for the male body, and in general. Frequent consumption of foods containing caffeine increase the load on the heart and act negatively on the working of the vessels, which can lead to thrombosis or a heart attack.
Needless to the strength of the men in the pasta and the potatoes. And here is the bakery, the products must be made from rye flour, semolina, which contains a lot of vitamins of group of Century Products such as sausages, sausages, sausages are harmful to male power. There is certainly need of add the nicotine and the alcohol. A common misconception relates to the fact that alcohol increases the power, led to what is already at a young age, the guy is manifested impotence. Alcohol is exciting in the phase of consumption. If abuse of alcohol of impotence of not being able to escape! This can lead to a disorder of the sexual function and low libido. With alcohol it is necessary to be moderate.
The good healthy food, walks in the open air, activities, eternal satellites that you can help keep the manhood. Follow the healthy living and more often than not out of nature, eating well and you'll be in good health!