Ginger is known for its beneficial properties. It is used mainly for the treatment of colds. This plant, however, positively affects and on the power. And for men it is important indicator of its health and life.
What are the indications and contra-indications to the use of ginger to improve erectile function? How to use and apply to improve the strength of the men, and what is the impact on the body — to these questions, you will find the answers in our article.

Affects of the aphrodisiac on the manhood, if yes, how?
What elements are contained and their impact on the power?
- The organic acids. Their lack in the body of a man leads to broken nutrition of the cells. As a result, the functions of protection and the mechanism of toxin elimination function poorly. Is a failure of the cardiovascular system and, as a result, the genito-urinary tract. These acids important for you to receive the food, because the body is not able to synthesize.
- Amino acids. Are necessary for the synthesis of proteins and the quality of the transmission of the nerve impulse. The last point is important for the normal the power of men.
- The Vitamin A Is. He is responsible for the normalization of blood circulation, which is important for the erectile function. If the blood circulation is low, then this will be an erection.
- Vitamin C. In the male body, it is involved in the development as a sperm, and the more important of the hormone testosterone. The level of the latter depends on the power.
- The vitamins of group. Important for the normal functioning of the nervous system. They also increase the blood vessels, which is necessary for erectile function.
- Zinc. This element is essential for the normal functioning of the synthesis of testosterone. Its deficit leads to a variety of communicable diseases.
- The potassium. The mineral participates in the holding of nerve impulses, normalizes blood pressure, nourishes the muscular tissue. All that is needed for a good erection.
- Iron. To its deficit of suffer from glands that produce hormones. During their low level of erectile function will suffer.
- Phosphorus. Improves the condition of the vessels, tones the muscle tissues.
Ginger can be considered as an additional means in the treatment of impaired erectile function. It is also useful to use it for prophylactic purposes. During its regular use in the male body occurs:
- improvement of blood circulation in the pelvic organs (the penis erectile tissues are filled with blood);
- the normalization of hormonal levels, including testosterone production;
- the decrease of the inflammatory process in the prostate gland;
- strengthening the nervous system and increase the libido.
Suggest you watch a video on the effects of ginger root on the male power:
Indications and contra-indications to the use of
One of ginger can bring benefits, and other harm. Use the ginger as a tool for improving the power is strictly prohibited if at least one of these contraindications:
- an individual intolerance;
- allergies;
- urolithiasis and cholelithiasis stone disease;
- gastritis, ulcer of the stomach or duodenum (spicy ginger strongly worsen the course of the disease);
- hypotonia;
- bleeding of various degrees, including the blood from the nose;
- high blood pressure;
- cirrhosis of the liver;
- coronary artery disease;
- the inflammatory processes in any organ system, which are accompanied by an increase of the temperature.

If a man is taking drugs that block beta-adrenergic receptors and inhibit the clotting of blood, before the use of ginger to increase the power, you must consult their doctor.
How to use of impotence and how to use it: cooking recipes
There are many recipes of beverages and mixtures of ginger, which contribute to the improvement of the erectile function. However, it should be noted that self-medication can have consequences. To get rid of the problem, you need to pass a medical examination so that the physician has determined the cause and appointed a treatment course.
As described below, the recipes can be used in consultation with a specialist, as additional funds.
Tincture in vodka
- 400 g of fresh ginger root;
- 500 ml of vodka.
- Slice the ginger in any way.
- Pay a set number of vodka. It is necessary to use ceramic dishes or glass.
- Put in a dark place for 3 weeks of maceration.
- After that, drain the drug.
Application: 1 tablespoon before each meal.
How to make an infusion with lemon and honey?
- 1.5 liters of water;
- 2 tbsp of ginger-dried or ground fees;
- 1 lemon;
- 1 teaspoon of honey.
- Fall asleep the ginger on the bottom of the thermos bottle and pour the water.
- Squeeze in the lemon juice.
- Insist about half an hour.
Application: before use, add a teaspoon of honey and drink after meals.
- 1 litre of boiling water;
- 5 teaspoons of root.
- Grated on a grater with the root and pour boiling water.
- Brew brew need for a half-hour.
Application: when the tea has cooled, add an application of lemon and honey and drink, but preferably after a meal.
The coffee with cardamom, cinnamon and rosemary
Take equal portions of the following ingredients:
- rosemary;
- crushed ginger root;
- cinnamon;
- the cardamom.
- Mix the cinnamon, ginger, rosemary and cardamom.
- The mixture to add to the regular servings of coffee.
- Prepare the usual coffee for you.
Application: drink a breakfast every day, but not on an empty stomach.
- 1 tablespoon of ginger;
- 1.5 tablespoons of honey;
- 1 liter of water;
- 1 large lemon.
From this quantity of products of pass 4 servings of lemonade.
- Already chopped ginger put it over the fire with a glass of water. Boil for 10 minutes.
- Do not remove the mixture from the heat, add the lemon juice and the honey.
- Wait for the re-use of the boil.
- Cool the liquid. Dilute the remainder with cold water.
Application: use after meals 2 – 3 times per day.
The juice
- 1 root of the plant;
- orange juice or apple.
Preparation: Clean the ginger root skin. The grate on a fine grater, then squeeze it. Instead, you can send the root into the juicer, if it exists.
Application: dilute the juice of ginger the juice of another fruit, e.g. orange or apple, because it is too concentrated (in its purest form, to use it you can't), and drinking on a full stomach 2 – 3 times per day.
Marinated in the root
- 1 ginger root;
- salt;
- 1 cup of vinegar;
- 1 cup of sugar.
- Cut into slices of ginger and place in a container deep. Mix with the salt.
- To make the marinade. To do this, mix the vinegar with the sugar, and boil the mixture.
- Until the marinade is not cooled, pour them ginger and salt. Let marinate for a few days.
Application: on 3 pods each day after meals.
The pickled ginger is not only used to improve the power, but for the treatment and prevention of prostatitis.
The side effects, if to take for improving male potency
Ginger – acute of a product whose use can have side effects, in particular:
- burning sensation in the area of the stomach;
- nausea;
- headaches;
- a general malaise throughout the body.
If you are experiencing these symptoms, you must discontinue use of the ginger, and to solve the problem with an alteration in impotence, you need to pass an examination at a specialist.
Men often use the ginger as a tool to improve the power, because it is considered to be effective. However, in spite of their useful properties, the plant can make, and hurt, especially if there is a gastritis or a stomach ulcer. To apply, you must also be competent, in small doses, even if no contra-indication. Before use, it is strongly recommended to consult a doctor.